Crosswalk Community Action Agency

Improving the conditions in which people live, work and learn!

Serving residents of Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, and Williamson Counties.

Crosswalk Community Action Agency administers a variety of programs and services that assist low-income and/or disadvantaged individuals and families, including Energy Assistance, Home Repair and Rehabilitation, Home Weatherization, Scholarships, and more. We are committed to addressing the “day-to-day” needs of our customers, while also working to help them become self-sufficient. Browse our website to learn about the various ways we may be able to assist you.

Energy Assistance

For many Illinois households, energy costs place a severe and continuing stress on the family’s budget. The Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is designed to help low-income households pay for winter energy services.

Home Repair & Rehabilitation

This program is designed to rehabilitate substandard homes with an emphasis on health and safety issues. Some typical repairs under the program include ramps, bathroom retrofit, plus mobile and access needs.

Home Weatherization

This program is designed to help low-income residents save fuel and money while increasing the comfort of their homes. Weatherization Services include having an experienced heating contractor examine your heating system to ensure the system is safe and in good working order.